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Very Best Tutor
Serving local communities with in-person
instruction and students worldwide online
Resume Writing Service
Job Interview Coaching
Resume Writing
You supply us with the information regarding your training, education,
and job history, and we compile it into a professional resume.
Basic Resume $150
Multi-Page Resume $230
Service includes completed ready-to-print PDF
Future Revisions $30 per line item
Payment Info
Payment due in advance.
Job Interview Skills Coaching
Interviewing for a job is like a job in itself. It requires specific skills, advance training, specific knowledge, use of proper technique, and smooth execution.
No matter how impressive your education and background training may be, if you have poor job interview skills, you could be passed by.
We can equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to perform well during job interviews, thereby greatly increasing your chances of landing that job, providing you also have the required qualifications the employer is seeking.
Job Interview Skills Coaching $180 for 3 hours
Additional training $60 per hour
Payment Information
Payment is due in advance. We recommend a minimum of three hours. Your paid time can be broken up to suit your availability and convenience.
This service is offered in Torrance and Rolling Hills Estates. Instruction is given with patience, precision, and care in a friendly inclusive atmosphere.
Contact us today to get started >
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