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Very Best Tutor
Serving local communities with in-person
instruction and students worldwide online
Payment Info
How to Calculate Your Total Amount Due
To calculate your Total Amount Due, simply multiply the number of hours you want times the subject hourly fee. For example, if you want In Person Academic Tutoring for Grade School Students, the fee per hour is $20 . Be aware that we have a 4 hour minimum purchase. So, if you want, for example, 10 hours of in person tutoring for your grade school student you would multiply 10 hrs. X $20 to arrive at your Total Amount Due of $200.
Payment for 10 hour courses
For 10 hour intensive courses like TOEFL Exam Prep and SAT Verbal Exam Prep, we require full prepayment for the course.
Types of Payment Accepted (for U.S. citizens only)
Initial tuition contracts for first-time clients must be paid in cash (US currency only). After 10 weeks or 40 hours of any contract are fulfilled, the client has the option to switch to payment by money order. The only acceptable type will be one issued by the USPS (United States Postal Service), which automatically insures your money order against loss or theft, and an official receipt is provided with it. No bank money orders, wirings, personal checks, travelers' cheques, or bank cashiers checks will be accepted. *
What About Foreign Nationals (Non-U.S. Citizens)?
Tuition for students who are foreign nationals (not U.S. citizens) will always be due in cash only, physical US$ currency only, regardless of the amount of hours or the length of contract. We do not accept wirings.
What About Short-Term Contracts?
Short-term contracts ( less than 10 weeks or less than 40 hours in duration ) require payment by cash only.
If You Have Questions
Feel free to email us if you have any further questions.
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*Tutors and the tutoring industry are especially targeted by criminals seeking to extort funds from them by making payment with bogus checks, fake money orders, bank cashiers checks, and other such methods of payment. This criminal practice is so prevalent and widespread that we have a policy of NOT accepting ANY such types of payment. The only acceptable non-cash form of payment is a money order issued by the USPS (United States Postal Service) due to the built-in safety factors.
Course Name Hourly Fee Course Code
Grade School Online Tutoring $25* 101
Grade School In Person Tutor $20 102
Middle School Academic $20 201
High School Single Subject $25 301
AP History $35 401
SAT Verbal Exam Prep Course $399 501
TOEFL Prep Course (ages 14-22) $399 502
TOEFL Prep Course (age 23+) $599 503
ESL (ages 6-11) $20 601
ESL (ages 12-18) $20 602
ESL College Level (ages 18-25) $30 603
ESL University (Master's) Level $40 604
ESL Business English $35 605
ESL Adult 19+ Non-Collegiate $30 606
NOTE : The SAT and TOEFL Courses above show the Total Amount Due
Minimum Purchase Requirement
4 hour minimum purchase required on all tutoring.
For Resume Writing Service and Job Interview
Skills Coaching fees click here>
* Currently unavailable
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